We can also help you with larger jobs or renovations. Habicom has been working with professional partners for years whom we have full confidence in. We are happy to share them with you.
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Habicom is aangesloten bij de beroepsorganisatie 'Beroepsinstituut van Vastgoedmakelaars - Luxemburgstraat 16B - 1000 Brussel', en als erkend vastgoedmakelaar-bemiddelaar onderworpen aan de BIV-plichtenleer. Habicom treedt op middels in België erkende vastgoedmakelaars BIV onder de nummers: 502 957 – 503 035 – Ondernemingsnummer: 0836.586.396 - BA en borgstelling via NV AXA Belgium - polisnr. 730.390.160 - Derdenrekening habicom – BE96 0688 9938 1805
We can also help you with larger jobs or renovations. Habicom has been working with professional partners for years whom we have full confidence in. We are happy to share them with you.
Even for larger jobs or renovations, we can help you. Habicom has been working with professional partners for years whom we trust completely. We are happy to share them with you.
Painting a wall, installing a new kitchen, or even retiling the bathroom? These are all possibilities offered by habicom's handyman service.